“The raindrops slide down the window
My eyes find nothing across the gray sky
I look for hopes and dreams buried in these clouds
To weak to think of my own, I hope my purpose will fall out of the sky
The search brings nothing but the dull, average feelings that where before
We all look for that one purpose
I’m no different than anybody else
But the desire for something more than before, never leaves my mind
It makes me cold when I think of how little I do
Yet it gives my soul fire when all other hope seems to have gone out
The journey for something greater than myself
To feel the wind of change tear at every fiber of my being
I’ll sit here with a pen and paper like I have before
Waiting for my mind to explode with the weight of epiphany that changes everything
I’ll be ready when it comes
Believe me I will know when that moment comes”
It’s like all we do is wait for the moment to come along
But what moment are we waiting for?
If we have never known what an epiphany is
How can we actually gauge when we have had one?
Waiting and watching for your one purpose in life will get you nowhere fast
All those longs hours waiting for the one story to be written
That one moment where your athletic abilities develop themselves
If all we do is wait, quietly and patiently at our desk jobs
Could we be missing the “moment” that was suppose to happen somewhere else?
Star watching and shoe gazing are only good for the ones that nothing to fill the moments of time
And it’s not a bad thing to do once in awhile
Don’t leave things unfinished
If your dream goes a lifetime without being chased
You didn’t gain anything by waiting for the dream to walk up to your doorstep
The hardest part is getting out of the chair that faces the window on that cold, rainy day
It’s hard to walk outside of your comfortable home where things are familiar
Not knowing when you will be back
Or if you’ll even come back the same as before
Change hurts
If you let it hurt you
That pain may turn out to be needed
To create knowledge
Life will always move on, maybe even without you
The river won’t wait for the fish to swim upstream
It will forever flow on and on
And when the fish finally realizes what it has not done by swimming upstream it will be to late
The fish’s existence will be familiar
But that is all it will be
His children will never roam the river
And he will not have done his part to help preserve his heritage
Don’t say no the current of life
Sometimes God has a place he wants you to be that you never thought of
The change will hurt
But the thought knowing that you didn’t follow the current will be worse to bear
Live your life
Buy a smaller notebook to write that epiphany down
Keep that in your back pocket
Because you may end up having it in the one place you never thought you would be.
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