Wednesday, December 1, 2010


There is only one road upon the earth running in the direction of the sun. Rising and setting in the same spots, the sun is what a horizon should be. Simple in fact, run towards the light. Never let up because if that happens there may never be a happy ending. One straight path towards beyond always running straight into golden rays. Many obstacles will block the way. Some will be appealing and pleasant to the eyes, some will disgust the inner core of one’s being. Each hold challenges that may test the will of passion to the point of desperation. There will be little pieces of time left scattered behind the wake of the journey, left to fertilize the ground with history and culture. Trees of knowledge will spring up and fountains of wisdom will be left to be drunk by those who come later. All this encompasses this road of life. Running always east to west along the line of the sun. Follow dreams, make new proverbs, paint pictures of the majestic earth, write songs, dance festively, and help plant one more seed of consciousness. 

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